Thursday, May 27, 2004

Movie Comments

I've been blogging for some time. Not really heavily, but I only posted a handful of posts. I left blogger for a while. After its redesign, blogger relly wetted my appetite. Specially what it said about bloggers getting book contracts! This really sounded cool. I thought what could I ever right and Sharm El Sheikh stuff came to my mind as I now work there. But just now, something new came to my mind, something I've been really wanting to write about but blogging it just never came to my mind before. It's writing comments on movies. I've always enjoyed watching movies, weather Arabic ones or English. I usually have a comment or a couple of them whenever I do watch a movie. Also series interest me and I do also have an opinion that'd love to share about them once I see them.

Of course not all moveis or all series are woth commenting on. Some of them are really shallow. Even if shallow though, perhaps I can comment on them in two words only and say that they "are shallow."

I'm very excited about this new blog I just created. It'll help me vent all my opinions anc comments I have on movies. I hope that my audience be Egyptians and others who konw the Arabic language and have watched the movies and perhaps series I hope to comment and share my opinion on. Yet maybe, just maybe, non-Arabic speakers could also enjoy some comments. After all I'll probably be commenting on English movies too. Even when talking about Arabic movies, there is a possibility, even if a remote one, that it could interest those who have not even seen them!

I'd also enjoy getting heated comments and arguments that try to prove my opinions wrong whenever I comment on a movie or an actor in it. That's what I'd be enjoying most. It makes me feel alive. So please drop me a line and tell me how much you hate this or that comment of mine about a specific scene, movie or cinema actor. Waiting for your angry words to storm in.

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